CAFAMLiteisthecompactversionofCAFAMandisintendedforsmallerEngineeringOrganisationswhodonotneedallthefunctionsof CAFAMAMP.ItcoversallitemsapplicabletoInventorycontrol,handlesallitemsapplicabletoaWorkOrdersystem,JobReportingforBilling andaPurchaseOrderSystemtoprovidethetraceabilitythattheAirworthinessAuthoritiesrequire.TheLiteversionreflectsintheaffordable cost of the Program with an option to easily upgrade if requiredGENERAL•Written for Windows•Works on all versions of Windows 32 & 64 bit including Windows 10•Easy to use pull down menu system•Relates easily to standard Aviation practices•Pop-up browse search screens•Reports to screen or printer•Full security with pre-defined password access levels•Maximum records limited only by disk sizeFUNCTIONALITY•Open Job and Print Work Order•Parts Issues to the Work Order•Print listing of Parts used for Billing purposes•Purchase Orders generated and controlled•Full Stock Control with comprehensive Reports•Rotable Component Tracking•Full Parts traceability with history of all transactions•Workshop Jobs opened, tracked and EASA F1 / FAA8130 Forms printed Note:WhilstCAFAMLITEisacompleteinventorysolution,itisnotaMaterialsManagementprogram.HerearetheitemsthatCAFAM-LITEwillNOT do, if you require any of these we suggest you look at the full CAFAM-AMP program:•Handle Rotable Exchanges•Direct Parts Sales Invoices and Delivery Notes•Handle Parts Quotations, Request for Quotes and Customer Sales Orders•Issue of Parts by Kit Numbers